For men, identifying a testosterone deficiency and carefully managing your replacement therapy can help improve symptoms from loss of libido to lack of muscle mass. Our range of tests is designed to help you look after your health while taking TRT.Advanced TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) Blood Test
Get an advanced check for your hormones, liver and kidney function, blood health and prostate if you are taking or considering testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 41 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testTRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) Blood Test
Monitor and manage your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatment by testing for hormones in your blood
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 24 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testTRT with Free Testosterone Blood Test
Monitor your hormones with our advanced TRT hormone monitoring profile, including free testosterone, oestradiol, and prolactin
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 6 biomarkers
Venous collection
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