Testosterone Tests
Testosterone is important for both men and women. It regulates sex drive, muscle mass, fertility and mood. Low levels could result in hair loss, weight loss or acne.Testosterone Blood Test
Testosterone impacts everything from your mood to energy levels, muscle mass, and sex drive
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testTestosterone, Free Testosterone and Oestradiol Blood Test
Measure the total and calculated free testosterone, oestradiol, and SHBG levels in your blood
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 5 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testTestosterone and Oestradiol Blood Test
Check your balance of the male and female hormones, testosterone and oestradiol
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 2 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testFree and Total Testosterone Blood Test
Measure the amount of testosterone in your blood that is free to bind with your body's tissues
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 4 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testTestosterone and Cortisol Blood Test
Measure your testosterone to cortisol ratio (T:C) - a sensitive test to identify possible overreaching and overtraining syndromes
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 3 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select test