Service status

Customer care opening hours

Monday - Thursday 9am: 5pm

Friday: 9am - 4pm

For further information, please contact our customer care team via one of the following channels:

  1. live chat
  2. Phone 03450 600 600
  3. Use our contact form

If your test results are urgent, we strongly recommend that you select Royal Mail Tracked delivery service at checkout which costs £4.99. This will ensure that your kit arrives in 1-2 working days in most cases. Although you will not need to sign for the delivery you do need to be at home to accept the delivery.

The Royal Mail Tracked delivery service is prioritised over first class mail. However, due to significantly higher volumes and a reduced Royal Mail workforce, it is not guaranteed. Service levels may vary across the country.

We are now including a tracked postage service in each kit for you to use when returning your sample to the lab. This will ensure that samples get to the lab in good time and do not spoil due to delays in transit.

Please make a note of the Royal Mail tracking number so that you can track your sample. You can find this number under the barcode on the postage sticker inside your kit. Click here to track your item on the Royal Mail website.