A phosphatidylethanol (PEth) blood test is used for detecting chronic excessive drinking behaviour with a regular daily alcohol intake.
Biomarker table
Alcohol consumption
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How long is Phosphatidylethanol detectable?
Phosphatidylethanol is detectable in blood for up to 28 days without alcohol.
What can affect Phosphatidylethanol results?
Sex, age, gender and body mass do not influence the normalisation rate of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth). In comparison to serum CDT, PEth appears more sensitive. CDT is an indirect marker, and PEth is a direct marker.
What is a Phosphatidylethanol Blood Test for?
Phosphatidylethanol in the blood (PEth) is a stable, highly-specific, sensitive marker for detecting chronic excessive drinking behaviour with a regular daily alcohol intake.