Starting IVF treatment? Many fertility clinics require viral screening before you begin. This test checks for key infections that could affect pregnancy, ensuring a safe process for both you and your future baby. It’s ideal if you’re undergoing assisted reproduction and need to meet clinic requirements before treatment.

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What's in the test?
HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies and P24 antigen
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HIV antibodies are made by the immune system in response to infection with either Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 or 2. P24 antigen is a protein from the core of the HIV virus, it is found during the initial infection with HIV and disappears following seroconversion. This test will look for the presence of HIV antibodies and p24 antigen in the blood and will report whether they are detected or not.
Hepatitis B surface antibodies
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Hepatitis C antibodies
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Syphilis antibodies
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Hepatitis B core antibodies IgG and IgM
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Hepatitis B surface antigen
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How to prepare for your test
Prepare for your IVF Viral Screen Blood Test by following these instructions. If there is a chance that you have been exposed to HIV, hepatitis B or C then please let us know how long before taking your sample this occurred. Your sample should be taken 4 weeks after any hepatitis B exposure. Take your test at least 4 weeks after any possible HIV exposure, a repeat test is recommended at 12 weeks. Do not take biotin supplements for two days before this test, discuss this with your doctor if it is prescribed. Please let us know if you have had a hepatitis B vaccination. You should wait at least two months after your vaccination before taking this test.
Test limitations
What can I learn from an IVF viral screen?
Our IVF screen blood test checks for viral and bacterial infections by detecting antigens and antibodies in your blood.
It can tell you if you have HIV or have been exposed to syphilis, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Checking both hepatitis B core and surface antibodies can help to distinguish previous hepatitis B infection from immunity acquired through vaccinations.
Our doctors will interpret your results alongside your medical history and advise whether you need to visit a specialist for further investigation.
What causes the viruses included in this test?
HIV and hepatitis B are transmitted via bodily fluids, including semen, vaginal fluids, and blood. They’re most commonly passed on through unprotected sex with an infected partner. Syphilis is also usually spread through unprotected sexual contact, including oral sex.
Hepatitis C is usually passed on through blood-to-blood contact, often from sharing contaminated needles, although it can also be passed on through sexual intercourse.
All the viruses included in this test have to potential to be passed from mother to baby, either during pregnancy or birth, and in the case of HIV, through breastfeeding.
What tests need to be done before IVF?
A virology screening test is a standard step, required by most fertility clinics before you start treatment. Tests for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are usually required. Viral checks may also be needed for other infections, such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like syphilis.
Our IVF Viral Screen Blood Test helps you detect infections that could be passed on to your unborn baby, allowing you to seek treatment and minimise this risk. It also means the medical teams working with you can take measures to protect themselves from infection and plan suitable management of your treatment.
If you test positive for any of these infections, you should be offered appropriate treatment and receive specialist help and advice.
When should I take this test?
What are the symptoms of the viruses included in this test?
The viruses included in this test can often have either no symptoms or very mild symptoms in the early stages. And some of the symptoms they produce, such as flu-like illnesses, can easily be mistaken for something else. This means that in some cases, people are unaware they have them.
However, if you have one of these viruses, there is a possibility you could pass it on to others and that it could cause serious, potentially life-threatening problems at a later stage.
Can I have IVF if I have an infectious disease?
Can I take a virology blood test for IVF at home?
How can I access the results of my virology screen blood test?
What is HIV?
What are hepatitis B and hepatitis C?
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are types of the hepatitis virus that can cause liver damage. A pregnant woman can pass these infections to her baby during birth (although this is much rarer in cases of hepatitis C than hepatitis B). Appropriate medications can help reduce the risk of transmission.
What is syphilis?
Where can I get advice and support?
If you need support or reassurance, your doctor and fertility clinic team can help. There are also organisations that can offer advice and guidance, both in relation to pregnancy and your sexual health. The Family Planning Association (FPA) provides information on STIs and pregnancy. You can also visit your local sexual health clinic for information and support. And the Terrence Higgins Trust has a free helpline offering information, support, and advice about HIV and sexual health.