Biomarker table
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What does this ESR test measure?
Our blood test measures the rate red blood cells fall in a tall, thin tube. Normally, red blood cells fall slowly and leave little clear plasma within the tube. Increased levels of some proteins, such as fibrinogen or immunoglobulins, which are both increased in inflammation, cause the red blood cells to fall quicker, which increases the ESR result.
What can I learn from this test?
Our ESR test helps to diagnose conditions associated with acute and chronic inflammation, including infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. ESR is a non-specific marker as it does not pinpoint exactly where the inflammation is in the body or what is causing it. Chronic low-level inflammation is a risk factor for heart disease.
What is ESR?
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) is a non-specific marker of inflammation and indirectly measures inflammation levels in the body.