Dr Mari Thomas MB BCh

GMC registration: 7082078

Dr Mari Thomas is one of our reporting doctors and has been part of the Medichecks team since April 2018. Mari’s passion for preventative medicine attracted her to the role, and she’s been helping people to optimise their health ever since.

Since qualifying as a doctor in 2010, Mari has worked in anaesthetics, intensive care medicine and general practice. Currently, Mari keeps up her registration as a radiology registrar and looks to sub-specialise in interventional radiology not too far in the future.

Mari first started working in healthcare at just 16. She maintains that people have always been (and always will be) her favourite part of her career. With Medichecks, Mari finds being part of our customer’s journey to better health extremely rewarding.

We asked Mari what it's like to be a reporting doctor with Medichecks.

Dr Mari Thomas:

“I find working with Medichecks extremely rewarding. I have seen so many clients improve their blood results by making lifestyle and diet adjustments. Hearing how much better they feel and knowing that they have also reduced their risk of future disease makes me feel very happy indeed!

“Medichecks allows people to be pro-active and make lifestyle changes when necessary to improve their health, prevent disease and improve their overall wellbeing. Testing allows customers to track their progress while making lifestyle changes, which can also help them to feel accountable and motivated. For athletes, optimising their biomarkers can help them to feel better and may also help improve their sporting performance and recovery.

“When I’m not working as a radiology registrar or reporting for Medichecks, I love to compete in CrossFit and triathlon competitions. I’ve also spent time with the Royal Navy travelling across the Atlantic, carried out a mountain rescue in a Sea King helicopter and trekked the Amazon rainforest whilst working as a medic. Nowadays, my hobbies are spending time with my family, including my German shepherd dogs!”